Monday 3 May 2010

Replay Models

The Replay Models team are hard at work this bank holiday, making sure that when Replay Models members come back from the long weekend, there's plenty going on.

The Replay Models enquiries team have been particularly busy, and getting a lot of enquiries from members about how to best prepare for castings or shoots, so we thought we'd publish our top five tips here:

1. Find out as much as you can about the company and the role you're applying for. If it's a music video, look up the director and find out what kind of work he's done before, so you can adapt your approach to his preferred style. Also take into consideration your brief - if you're auditioning for a 'girl next door' part, don't turn up in a mini-skirt and stilettos!

2. Try not to drink alcohol or caffeine in the days leading up to the shoot. These can seriously dehydrate your skin, leaving you looking less than fresh. We also advise all Replay Models members to eat well and get plenty of rest in the days leading up to the casting - as all these factors will reflect in how well you perform.

3. It is a firm Replay Models philosophy to avoid sun exposure or tanning for a minimum of one week prior to the shoot, as these can cause blemishes and uneven hues.

4. Carry out any necessary hair removal the night before, to avoid red marks which retouching cannot always cover.

5. Research your route thoroughly and leave yourself plenty of time to get there - all Replay Models m,embers know that you don't get a second chance to make a first impression... and arriving ten minutes late never impresses!

To find out more about Replay Models tips for success, please visit the main Replay Models site at

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